Nadi Astrology

About Agathiyar

The texts are mainly written in vateluttu (Vatta Yezhuthu – Rounded Script) which is an ancient Tamil script. There are different schools of thought as to the author of these leaves. They are believed to be written by a Tamil sage called agathiyar.

Agastya is the name of Shiva too. The word is also written as Agasti and Agathiyar. In the Tamil language, the term ‘Agam’ means inside and ‘Iyar’ means to belong. One who belongs inside (soul) is the Tamil meaning for Agathiyar.

Siddhar were spiritual adepts who possessed the ashta siddhis, or the eight supernatural powers. Sage Agathiyar is considered the guru of all Siddhars. Siddhars are the followers of Lord Shiva. Agathiyar’s disciples and other siddhars have contributed thousands of texts on Siddhar literature, including Siddha medicine.

About Nadi

The Rishis of Ancient India applied their minds and discovered many arts and sciences for the well-being of future generations of mankind. One such science is Astrology. There are several branches in Astrology viz Horoscopy., i.e. casting and reading horoscopes based on the Positions of planets at the time of birth of a Person and the movements of each planet across the Zodiac. This is a well-developed science as exhibited from ancient manuscripts like Brihat Samhita, Jathaka Paarijatha, etc. Palmistry, Numerology, and Nadi reading are the other disciplines. Experiences that a family has foregone and the feedback from our clientele make us learn that the predictions being expounded through the records of palm leaves we preserve. The remedies being prescribed here in the holy script including the temple poojas are left to the sheer choice of the individuals concerned.

What is Nadi leaf?

In ancient times, information was passed down orally by the seers. The written word came much later when scribes started to record the literary, spiritual, and astrological heritage which is over thousands of years old. In temples, we see granite slabs, thin copper plates as the means for recording ancient scripts, mantras, and Vedas. The leaves of the palm were the choice for recording what the Sages have foreseen in your story of life. The Sages had special scribes and carefully etched each letter of your story into the dried leaf with a special tool. This was done all by hand to avoid splitting the leaf. The writing was almost always continuous,
without any space between words. This is one reason why the reading of the leaves requires mastery, as well as an understanding of the ancient languages of Tamil or Sanskrit. A bundle of leaves in the same thumbprint category, or soul grouping, were then bound with a cord between two wooden covers.

The Method of study

When a thumb impression from a native is obtained it is handed over by the reader at the library. The palm-leaf bundles are classified & indexed in the library according to thumb impression to facilitate easy searching of the bundles. For each thumb impression, there are likely to be around 3 to 5 bundles; each such bundle will contain between 50 to 80 leaves. The leaf of one particular individual may be found out in the first bundle or in any other bundle among the six. Sometimes it may not be found, as the predictions from this holy script are confined to some limited souls. Hence, the process of finding out this specific leaf is laborious and time-consuming. Because the reader has to read out one statement from the first leaf and if it is confirmed by the native, he will read out the second statement to verify its veracity. If this statement does not apply for the native, then the reader will have to go on searching leaf after leaf, bundle after bundle to trace out the one leaf in which all the particulars concerning the Native correctly appear. To expedite this process the
Native has to extend his full co-operation i.e., he should listen to the reading carefully and answer correctly.

This results in the tracing out of not only the leaf but also the first Kaandam is also called General Kaandam representing the native’s Lagna. General Kaandam will also furnish brief predictions of the remaining 12 houses of the Native’s birth chart, if detailed predictions of any other house are required, they can be studied in the relevant Kaandam given in the Annexure. For acquiring good results, as extended by this holy script, the Rishis insist that the Native should be free from the evil influence of all their previous birth sins. Therefore, the rishis suggest and specify the performance of certain parihaaras (remedies). If these Remedies are performed with full involvement, the Rishi assures the happening of the events predicted by him. These are found in separate chapters called Shanthi & Deeksha(No 13 & 14).

Maha shiva nadi

As explained already, we are giving predictions as per the Sukshma Nadi, since our father’s time i.e. roughly for the past fifty years. The predictions start with a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, who requests Lord Shiva to tell the predictions of her son/daughter, who has come forward to know his/her future. Lord Shiva then gives the predictions.

The Maha Siva SukshmaNaadi is more exhaustive and accurate in predicting events as compared to Agasthiya Nadi’s followed by our family earlier or other NaadiJodhidam followed by others in the south. That is the reason why the charge for this SukshmaNaadi is somewhat higher. But when we compare the immense what we derive from Nadi, the charge is very cheap. As in Astrology, there are twelve Kaandams, dealing with the twelve Bhavas or houses. There are also special Kaandams, dealing with ShanthiPariharam, DeekshaKaandam, Aushadam kandam, DasabhukthiKaandams, a brief description of subjects dealt in each Kaandam are all given in the Appendix, which may please the referred one. In the succeeding chapters, we have also explained in detail some of the important Kandams. However, the first Kaandam is compulsory. It is considered to be the index for all the other Kaandams. The consultation of all the Kaandams and special Kaandams is optional. But other Kaandams can not be independently consulted, without reading the first chapter.

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 This is no coincidence that you have landed up reading this now. “The Divine Nadi ” states that you will benefit from this blessed astrology and be reunited with your Nadi Leaf that was written thousands of years ago, verily drawn by the Divine Forces. Yes indeed, it is a rare blessing that the divine energy within you has even more sprouted today!

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