Nadi Chapters

Nadi Chapters

Chapter 1

General Prediction

This reading contains the name of the Nadi seeker, how she/he is going to lead this life, his/her identity, names of his/her parents, siblings, the name of his/her spouse, children, and details about the present profession. This chapter will give a summary of future predictions for all the 12 houses in his/her horoscope based on the planetary positions at the time of birth as mentioned in the Nadi leaf. We will also answer the questions of your choice

Chapter 2

Education and Wealth

This chapter gives details about the Nadi seeker ‘s Wealth, Family and Education. It also contains details about his/her Eyesight and Speech-related information.

Chapter 3

About Brothers and Sisters

This predicts about a number of your siblings, relationships. His/her relationship for lifetime between his siblings, problems and it also provides information about the positive and negative aspects of the relationship with siblings.

Chapter 4


This tells about mother’s health, fortune of hereditary mother’s property or acquiring new house, vehicle, land, general material comforts and achievements etc.

Chapter 5

About Children

This deals with childbirth, the reason for not having children, adoption, remedial measures for the better future of your children.

Chapter 6

Disease, Debts, Enemies and Court Cases

This predicts about hardships due to disease, debts, enmity, litigation, etc., the extent of damage it has on the life of the Nadi Seeker. It also provides information regarding Enemies, Litigation, their causes and duration of suffering on account of these. It also suggests remedial measures for avoidance and positive measures for achieving success.

Chapter 7

Marriage Life

This predicts the time of marriage, name of the life partner, lagnam, planetary aspects and where the bride or bridegroom originates from and the future of married life. This chapter also states the real cause for delay in marriage, aspects of compatibility and conflicts if any with the spouse,etc. Last it also provides you divine solutions to lead a happy married life.

Chapter 8

Life Span and Longevity

This chapter tells your Longevity, any possible risk of accident, age, month, date, day, time, star, lagnam and place of occurrence of death.

Chapter 9

Father and Spiritual benefits

This chapter carries the prediction in regard to your Father’s health and wealth, pilgrimage to holy shrines, Luck in your life, Upadesam (Sagely advice) from holy men and charity.

Chapter 10


This chapter tells about Profession, career choice, change in place, and merits and demerits in profession. Remedies for an uplifting career through the divine predictions is clearly specified.

Chapter 11

Profits and Second marriage

This chapter tells about possibility of second marriage/profit.

Chapter 12

Expenditure, Foreign Visit and Next Birth.

This tells your lifestyle, overseas visit, Next birth, and Salvation. This chapter also deals with the way in which you have spent your money, the best way you should earn money. It also deals with your next birth, i.e where you will be born, what will be your living conditions, etc.

Chapter 13

Shanthi Pariharam

This chapter tells an individual about sins committed in your previous birth and holy remedial measures to get rid of miseries one experiences in the present birth as a result of the evil deeds done in past.

Chapter 14

Deekshai Kandam

Mantra jappam (Chant Mantras), wearing of Rakshai (Talisman) for safeguarding from enmities. For overcoming obstacles from enmities, we will be providing you Rakshai and teach Vedic Chanting.

Chapter 15

Aushadam Kandam

This chapter tells about suitable medication for any chronic ailment/ health issues. This also states the best method for taking the medicine and favourable and unfavourable items, when the disease will be cured etc.

Chapter 16

Dasabukthi Kandam

Prediction of transition of planets called Dasa Bukhta. This predicts the duration of bright prospects/duration of the dark phase of life.


  1. Agathiyar Nadi Gives you a horizon of 5year prediction and Mahashiva Nadi is year by year Prediction.
  2. Special Kandams viz Sivanakdi thulliams & sivanadi Sukshman are also available. Because of their speialized nature and elaborate details, fees will be higher. For success in Political connections special kandam is available other than the above kandams there are Gnanakandam Prasna Kandam and Disabukthi sauthi kandam.
  3. For early date please take appointment through phone.

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 This is no coincidence that you have landed up reading this now. “The Divine Nadi ” states that you will benefit from this blessed astrology and be reunited with your Nadi Leaf that was written thousands of years ago, verily drawn by the Divine Forces. Yes indeed, it is a rare blessing that the divine energy within you has even more sprouted today!

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